以下はFar-UV Technologies社のQ&Aコーナーより抜粋したもです。
>As a recipient of multiple peer-reviewed Phase I, II and III NASA and Department of Defense SBIR research and development contracts, the company has been granted unique Federal designation under the SBIR Reauthorization Act and the SBA SBIR/STTR Policy Directive as the preferred supplier of Far UV for all US Government entities and sponsored programs and is provided with unique sole sourcing options to minimize potential contracting delays and other unique benefits https://sbir.gov/tutorials/data-rights/tutorial-4. This has led to a surge of Krypton disinfection* lighting installations across the country including but not limited to several Air Force bases and the top levels of the Pentagon with many more in the queue.


すべての米国政府機関およびスポンサー付きプログラムを対象とした Far UV の提供であり、潜在的な契約遅延やその他の独自のメリットを最小限に抑えるための独自かつ唯一の調達オプションが提供されています https://sbir.gov/tutorials/data-rights/tutorial-4。

これにより、いくつかの空軍基地や国防総省の上層部など、全国でクリプトン消毒 * 照明の設置が急増し、さらに多くの施設が待機中です。
スクリーンショット 2022-08-12 212139
Given the increasing demand and interest in rapid deployment, Far UV Technologies has also been issued National Stock Numbers for Krypton Disinfection* Lighting as a critical trusted supply requirement by the Defense Logistics Agency further facilitating the preferential ease of acquisition and use for many years to come. Krypton Disinfection* Lighting is Made in the USA. We’re networked in through the highest levels of the defense community, Federal, State and local Government agencies and their representatives.

急速な展開に対する需要と関心の高まりを考慮して、Far UV Technologiesは、国防兵站庁による重要で信頼できる供給要件として、クリプトン消毒* 照明のナショナルストックナンバーも発行されており、今後何年にもわたって入手と使用がさらに容易になります。
※参考過去記事 クリプトン36がナショナルストックナンバーを取得した意味とは?

クリプトン消毒* 照明は米国製です。



> NASA, the Department of Energy and other large agencies like to deal with large firms and insert SBIR technologies into their missions through large prime contractors. 


>Taken together, these Phase III rights are valuable not only to the SBIR firm, but to the government as well. More and more government officials are learning to incorporate SBIR technologies into their missions, making those missions more cost effective and efficient.

> 総合すると、これらのフェーズIIIの権利は SBIR 会社だけでなく政府にとっても価値がある。 ますます多くの政府関係者が、SBIR テクノロジーをミッションに組み込んで、ミッションの費用対効果と効率を高める方法を学んでいます。
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